after dxcc kosovo z6ff

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  • #8206

    This is from Web : 9AFF Croatia :
    Z68AA & Z68RBJ @ Z6FF-0002 (Rep. of Kosovo)
    May 6, 2018 by 9A6AA Leave a comment

    After Raf, Z61KR, who operated from Z6FF-0001 few days ago, three members of Radio Club HFF are ready to go to Kosovo to be active (HC/p) from Z6FF-0002, National park „Bjeshkët e Nemuna” and outside of that area (Z68AA & Z68RBJ). Activity is expected early next week. Look for them on all HF bands CW, SSB and DIGI modes, but with low power (not more than 100W) with dipoles, inverted V and vertical antennas. Wire (not America) first!
    The QSL cards have just been printed.
    Logs will be on Clubs Log (on a daily basis) and LOTW (few days after activities).
    SO MUCH QUESTIONS. I have not answers.others ???
    73 es 44 de E77O -sLOBODAN

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