Late Shift Award KFF

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  • #6472

    We have created an award called the late shift to encourage operations later in the night. Contacts have to occur after 0000z-1200z for NA activations. I could see this going National! Why not.

    My question is to get the award we have to have 50 contacts as a chaser. I noticed that the logsearch and logs do not contain a time in the export.

    Is there anyway to get the time included? Time is part of the ADI log that is uploaded.

    Thanks! W0MU

    Andrew M0YMA

    Where time is provided, it is stored in the database.

    However, time is not a required field for WWFF logs… this stems from several DxPeditions agreeing to provide logs only if time was not provided or that if time was provided, it would not be disclosed – to prevent bogus QSO claims.

    There is no inherent reason why such an award could not be included in Logsearch (either as a KFF only, or as a general award) – although the time-zone calculation could be tricky!


    If it can be tracked via LogSearch, I am all for it. I didn’t bother Andrew with tracking it because of the time. I didn’t think that could be tracked.

    If you guys can do it, please let me know when it’s added. I send new certs out at 50/100/150 etc QSOs for hunters. For activators, it’s 10/20/30/40 activations etc.. All between 00:00z and 12:00z.

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