The latest update (v0.0.14) has just been released…

This update includes (as always) the addition of a number of new awards and award steps, and addresses a number of small issues, , plus a bit of tidying up.
In particular, updating the plugin licence terms, to reflect it is released as a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA licence (open source).

Note: some of these have been pre-released…

Issues Addressed

This update revises the following new awards and/or award levels:

  • Issue #00020 – Add new levels LZFF-A-55 and LZFF-H-90
  • Issue #00040 – Add new levels WWFF-P-44 and WWFF-P-88
  • Issue #00051 – Add new level P2P-A-1344
  • Issue #00078 – Add new levels GxFF-A-88 and GxFF-H-88

Linked to these, some fixes to Award GCRs and Award operation:

  • Issue #00022 – Resolve server error log warnings
  • Issue #00040 – Resolve error is no qualifying activations; fix tabulation in GCR
  • Issue #00080 – Add placeholder for forthcoming GxFF Autumn Activity award
  • Issue #00082 – Various GCR issues

This update also addresses the following other issues:

  • Issue #00018 – List Latest Logs by program
  • Issue #00031 – Resolve NAN with Last page
  • Issue #00057 – Display station and operator callsigns on Activity page
  • Issue #00072 – Add AF-086 and all SM IOTAs
  • Issue #00074 – Fix direct links into Directory
  • Issue #00076 – Top Operators (YLFF) / Reference Reports (ESFF)
  • Issue #00079 – Lengthen directory Name and Notes fields

Open Issues can be found in the Issue Tracker.

Future Plans

Further work is ongoing…

Personal Note

Development of Logsearch has to fit around family and work commitments! Unfortunately, my job means I’m on the road a lot!


Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.