We have two map applications you can use to find the locations of WWFF areas. NOTE: the positions on the maps are purely indicative to help you select possible locations. As an activator you still need to verify what the boundaries of the references are (as you need to be inside the boundaries for a valid activation). Check the National Programs or sources like Protected Planet for more information on the individual nature reserves.

Map provided by OK1SIM

  • To look for a particular WWFF region: in the “select…” dropdown box, select the region you want to see and whether you only want to see all references, or only references that have been activated (“with QSO”) or not been activated (“without QSO”).

Map provided by GMA (included below)

  • To look for a particular WWFF region: tick the “WWFF” button and go to the “Select” box, select in the drop down box the region you want to see.

WWFF is working very hard to complete and update the map. OK2APY, Alena, is the WWFF Map Manager. If you have remarks, adds or whatever please drop her a mail : ok2apy@gmail.com 


Courtesy of GMA

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