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  • #12081
    Georgi (LZ2OQ)

    For a long time I have been watching my result on P2P – 84/102. A few days ago I made a new P2P contact. Today I see the contact is confirmed and in the statistics is the same combination 84/102. I listed the confirmed contacts and it turned out to be …. 97! Probably my data is frozen! Please correct! 73!
    Georgi -LZ2OQ

    Andrew M0YMA


    No data is frozen… P2P stats are calculated dynamically… Looking at your data:

    • On the “Summary Stats” it shows 84/102 – that’s 84 confirmed out of 102 claimed.
    • On the P2P tab, you have a total of 127 QSOs…

    Delving deeper… you have:

    • In total: 127 P2P QSOs, from 102 unique P2P combinations
    • Confirmed: 103 P2P QSOs, from 84 unique P2P combinations
    • Unconfirmed: 18 P2P QSOs
    • Errors: 6

      So, the stats look correct to me…

    Georgi (LZ2OQ)

    Thanks to Andrew! But what are these 97 contacts. Until now, I did not know that only unique combinations are respected! With my 10 watts, P2P contacts are always difficult. In the last expedition a colleague called for P2P for a few minutes and once again the hunters did not give me an advantage! I gave up shouting more and went to the CQ! A matter of cultural attitude! 73! LZ2OQ

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