The World Wide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) program (https://wwff.co) is excited to launch a full-year Marathon for 2025. The purpose is to make as many QSOs as possible to/from WWFF nature reserves, activate as many of them globally as possible, and encourage radio amateurs to enjoy nature.
The Marathon rules have been published at https://wwff.co/marathon-rules/ and the automatically updating standings can be followed throughout the year at https://wwff.co/marathon-standings/. Among other things, the rules also list various awards and special events.
Participation is easy especially for those chasing WWFF activators from home, as there is no need to submit a log. Just turn on the radio and make QSOs!
As a central feature of the Marathon, its sponsor partners have very kindly agreed to provide a number of lottery prizes. Lottery tickets are accumulated simply by making QSOs, as specified further in the rules.
As another special Marathon feature, activators are encouraged to photograph the WWFF nature reserves they visit. Activators are also encouraged to upload their photos, for the enjoyment of the entire radio amateur community.
73 & 44 & HNY!
On behalf of the WWFF team,
Partners: We would like to warmly thank the prize sponsors of the WWFF 2025 Marathon:
“WWFF Pillar Hunter for working WWFF activators on at least 180 calendar days during the year”. That means, I have to work at least one reference in two days, doesn’t it?
Is the WWFF Pillar Hunter intended for pensioners and unemployed people? Or for singles without a family? For those who sit in front of TRX every [second] day?
Not for me. GL es 73 de Dzianis, DD1LD
Hi Dzianis,
It is natural that we all have different circumstances with regards to available time and home station availability. The Pillar Hunter award is one that I personally am not able to achieve due to my own circumstances, but I will be cheering those who are able to (and there are very many). Fortunately there are also other awards with different criteria available for hunters with different circumstances.
My life/station circumstances instead enable me to aim for the “WWFF Pillar Activator” award, i.e., activating at least once per month, so that’s what I will do. I hope you can similarly find a focus point suitable to your circumstances!