I am pleased to announce that we have changed the name of the “USACFF” award to the “KFF-States” award. The name was changed because we wanted to have a “worked all states” type of award, but of course, the United States is not its own continent, and part of North America.
We are only opening up the first wave of 7 states worked first so that stations can claim the first award, and we will be opening up more states in the coming weeks in these waves: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and finally, all 50 states. To claim the 7 state award, please visit Logsearch after you have registered, and click on the appropriate button to apply.
If you already have been granted a “USACFF” award, please go back to apply for the new KFF-States version. If you wish to retain your original serial (e.g. 001), I can issue it as (001P) to acknowledge the prototype.
Thanks, 73 and 44 … Jason – W3AAX