The World Wide Flora & Fauna in Ham Radio program has the privilege to present to our hunter  and activator community a number of awards.

The award certificates are available in electronic format (.pdf or .jpg) and free of charge. All awards are based on QSO information in the WWFF LogSearch database. We cannot accept other sources (like QSLs, LoTW, eQSL).

Awards can be claimed in two categories:
1. Activators (references, DXCC, continents)
2. Hunters (references, DXCC per continent, continents)

Before applying for awards, read first ” How to use Logsearch and apply for awards



Activate different WWFF nature reserves  WWFF-A

For this certificate you need to have confirmed a minimum of 11 different WWFF reference numbers in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch), with a minimum of 44 QSOs logged per activity.For the active activators we offer upgrades for every 11 extra confirmed references.

B. WWFF POINTS (launched 2020-01-01) – WWFF[Pts]- A

Encouraging longer activations of, and revisits to, WWFF nature reserves

For this certificate, you need to have gained points for making QSOs from references. Points can be earned for the same reference each year!

  • 1 point for each 44 QSOs made from each reference (upto a maximum of 10 points per reference).

By way of an example:

  • On 2020-01-01, GX44FF activates GFF-0001, with 32 QSOs.
    0 points
  • On 2020-01-02, GX44FF re-activates GFF-0001, with 12 QSOs (a total of 44 QSOs).
    1 point for 44 QSOs
  • On 2020-01-03, GX44FF activates GFF-0002, with 132 QSOs.
    3 point for 132 QSOs
  • On 2020-01-04, GM44FF activates GMFF-0001, with 88 QSOs.
    2 point for 88 QSOs
  • On 2020-01-05, GX44FF re-activates GFF-0001, with 44 QSOs (a total of 88 QSOs).
    1 additional point for reaching 88 QSOs in total
  • On 2020-02-01, DX/G44FF activates DXFF-0001 as an expedition, with 542 QSOs.
    10 point for 440+ QSOs
  • On 2021-01-01 it’s a new year, so more points are available…


Activate WWFF nature reserves in different DX Entities

For this certificate you need to have activated WWFF nature reserves from at least 3 different DX Entities

For the purposes of this award, a DX Entity is based on the ARRL DXCC list, modified to include as separate Entities:

  • For KFF, each mainland State
  • For VEFF, each Province and Territory
  • For VKFF, each State and Territory
  • For IFF, European and African Italy
  • For TAFF, European and Asian Turkey

Note: the whole of Antarctica continent counts as one Entity for this award.

These activities need to be logged in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch), with a minimum of 44 QSOs logged per activity. For the active activators we offer upgrades for every 3 extra confirmed DXCC.


Activate WWFF reserves on different continents
For this certificate you need to have activated WWFF nature reserves on at least 3 different continents. These activities need to be logged in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch), with a minimum of 44 QSOs logged per activity. For the active activators we offer upgrades for 6 and 7 confirmed continents.

Note that Antarctica counts as a separate continent.


Make QSO with other PARKS
For this certificate you need to have as Activator QSO with other Activators in other WWFF references. These activities need to be logged in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch), levels start at 10, going up to 44, 88, etc

For Activators it is important to correctly fill in the appropriate fields in their ADIF logs :

  • Using the new official ADIF 3.1.3 fields (preferred):
    • For your activation log, always:
      • MY_WWFF_REF = {activated WWFF reference}
    • If you work someone Park To Park, in addition:
      • WWFF_REF = {worked WWFF reference}
  • Using legacy unofficial fields:
    • For your activation log, always:
      • MY_SIG = WWFF
      • MY_SIG_INFO = {activated WWFF reference}
    • If you work someone Park To Park, in addition:
      • SIG = WWFF
      • SIG_INFO = {worked WWFF reference}

For a P2P credit to be confirmed, the logs have to match as follows:

  • Activator call-sign with Activator-Hunter call-sign
  • Activator reference with Activator-Hunter reference
  • The two dates
  • The two bands
  • The two modes

Park to Park explained by VK5PAS P2P

A big help is the fantastic FLE logging software with special options to log P2P QSO’s directly in ADIF format.



Work activators from different WWFF locations all over the world

For this certificate you need to have confirmed a minimum of 44 different WWFF reference numbers in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch). For the active chasers we offer upgrades for each 44 confirmed extra references up to 396. After that the next level is 444 with upgrades of 100 after that. We offer a special “novice” award for the first 10 references worked.


Work WWFF references in different DXCC

For this certificate you need to have worked WWFF nature reserves from at least 10 different DX Entities (as defined above).

For the active hunters we offer upgrades for every 10 extra confirmed DX Entities.


Work WWFF activators in different DX Entities per Continent

This award is actually a series of continent awards. We are offering continent awards for

  • Africa “AF:CFF-A & AF:CFF-H,
  • Asia “AS:CFF-A & AS:CFF-H“,
  • Europe “EU:CFF-A & EU:CFF-H,
  • Oceania “OC:CFF-A & OC:CFF-H,
  • North America “NA:CFF-A & NA:CFF-H.

For this certificate you need to have confirmed contacts with WWFF activities in at least 7 different DX Entities per continent in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch). For the OC:CFF awards also the VK areas are counting (only need at least 3 DXCC + 4 VK areas)) as point, for the NA:CFF award the USA states and Canadian provinces are counting too as DXCC (only need at least 3 DXCC + 4 states/provinces).


Work WWFF activators on all continents

For this certificate you need to have confirmed contacts with WWFF activities on all 7 continents in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch). Note that Antarctica counts as a separate continent.

Application process

The certificate can be requested only via the WWFF LogSearch:
To apply for the award you must first register yourself as user. Note that you can only apply for an award for your own call-sign.

Once registered, type in your call-sign and hit the search button. You will be presented with the results of your activity as hunter and / or activator. If you qualify for an award you can click on the award application button “Apply for WWFF-H” (for the hunter award) or “Apply for WWFF-A” (for the activator award).

Note that we cannot accept other sources than the WWFF LogSearch (like QSLs, LoTW, eQSL) for award application.

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