Reply To: Why do National Co-Ordinators upload activator logs?

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Logsearch Feedback Why do National Co-Ordinators upload activator logs? Reply To: Why do National Co-Ordinators upload activator logs?


Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply, although your response has not answered my question. Your response was a statement, rather than an answer, implying that National Co-Ordinators were not appropriately checking logs.

I am looking at ways of streamlining the process and reducing the amount of work for National Co-Ordinators/VK State and Territory reps.

Currently, if an error is detected at the log upload stage, the uploader receives an auto-generated message from Logsearch. The uploader then either modifies the log themselves or returns the log to the activator for the appropriate modification/s.

I am not sure why activators cannot upload their own logs and receive such a message themselves and then undertake the appropriate log modification.

This would streamline the log upload process and reduce the amount of work for Co-Ordinators.

Other programs allow activators to upload their own logs. I am not sure why WWFF does not allow this?


Paul VK5PAS.

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