Reply To: 3VFF-008 Djerba

Luciano (I5FLN)


Island of Djerba is not one of the historic error of the directory. The Island although if having full of the Hotel is also allocated as a Nature Reserve which is listed into:

Furthermore on the end of March 2013 I got a mail with an attached pdf which which will send via email were ASTRA Association Tunisienne des Radio Amateursin listed the Tunisian National Parks and Natural Reserves . Boris UT7UT was in charge to do as Coordinator but never accepted. I made an xls file as cross references between our Directory and ASTRA Directory and there is some little difference as you
will see in the file which will send you.
In the previuos logsearch of the russian 3VFF-007 e 3VFF-008 were allready activated on 2010.

3VFF-007 as TS7TI/p IOTA AF-092 on 21 Sept 2010 Italian trip
3VFF-008 as TS8P IOTA AF-083 on 29 April 20108 Italian trip
3VFF-022 AS TS7TI on 200 Sept 2010 Italian trip as abobe Mgr I8LWL

For the rules when reference is activated and there are logs cant change number e/o renumbering.

At that time also Manfred Df6EX es Max IK1GPG were involved read mail which you will get with the ASTRA pdf file.

From my side till will be an official coordinator 3VFF will remain as it. I done my best but from April 2014 no more news e/o o mail received on the Tunisia references es no more mail from Boris.

That’s the story.

73 de Luciano I5FLN

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