Cannot find HBFF- uploaded logs!

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  • #3175

    HI Danny,
    I have a strange problem: I wanted to upload latest logs, and see the HBFF-logs situation after migration of WWFF and me to new PCs , but I am not able to find the HBFF- logs anymore.

    So I cannot see what logs should be uploaded, nor control if some QSO in in some Reference activity – if not on my own databases – nor if the past log errors have been corrected.

    I’m quite sure I am doing some stupid thing by myself, maybe I do not remember exactly how to do; anyway, I tried to find a sort of userguide for us national programs administrators, no success.

    As I saw time ago that the responsible call for HBFF- was not my call anymore ( now has been corrected anyway ) maybe there is some mismatch in this side of the thing?
    Me, as HB9TZA , was the admin of HBFF- and I see in my profile that still I am so.

    I was also registered as I2JJR for the becoming 5RFF program mamaging, but this may wait, as it will start end july 2017 with my new 5R callsign (5R8JR maybe) .

    Please help me to overcome this maybe silly problem, as I cannot go forth in synchro HBFF with WWFF .

    The page when I ask for HBFF (All Time ; HBFF ) stands by the message “Stats for HBFF coming soon…” but nothing happens in hours.
    I guess too much also for 8MQSOs !

    Any hint?
    Augusto HB9TZA


    HI you All,
    As I got no answer, I am looking at bypassing the Problem.

    I try this way: I search for Callsign , stats as Activator-References-NationalAwards ; I see that Stas in that sense are working, so thanks Andrew oncemore.

    So now I may download a list of the References activated that are loaded on the WWFF Database. One for each activator callsign I have here. Long way, but doable.

    At this point it will be very simple to have a list of NOT-IN-WWFF logs, and I could upload them … MAYBE !

    But it may also not be that simple, so , in order to avoid the possibility to upload double logs, I please Andrew, or others that may access the WWFF Database, to control the list of these apparently not present logs, apart from their station_callsign, by Reference :

    |Activation | by | date | notes
    HBFF-0145 HB9WFF/P Dec. 04, 2016
    HBFF-0144 HB9WFF/P Dec. 03, 2016
    HBFF-0160 HB9HI/P Nov. 23, 2016
    HBFF-0020 HB9HI/P Nov. 19, 2016
    HBFF-0139 HB9WFF/P Nov. 13, 2016
    HBFF-0007 HB0/DL8DBW/P Oct. 27, 2016
    HBFF-0139 HB9WFF/P Sep. 25, 2016
    HBFF-0020 HB9/DL2DXA/P Aug. 22, 2016
    HBFF-0163 HB9DNI/P Aug. 21, 2016 (end)
    HBFF-0163 HB9DNI/P Aug. 14, 2016 (begin)

    If I get a response in reasonable time, I’ll upload them;
    and in this way :
    – hunters will be happy for Xmas,
    – they will not beat wife childrens and pets,
    – Award Managers will be happy to work out Awards …
    And I will stop writing silly notes on the Forum.

    May you all have a beautiful wonderful quiet relaxed Xmas , and may the new 2017 bring you a lot of new parks worked!
    And of course, among them, mines on 5R8 .

    Cheers, 73 44 de August HB9TZA I2JJR 5R8JR

    Andrew M0YMA

    There is not a list of logs that you’ve uploaded

    I’ll look at how easy it would be to (re)implement

    Added to ToDo/Wish-list as Item 3.E

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.

    Thanks Andrew , as usual you get me out of the troubles!

    More than a list of what I have uploaded, it could be better a list of the HBFF logs present on the DataBase.

    I remember I got something like that in the past, if I remember correctly, it was among top operators statistics .
    It is present but not working: see , query by “all-time” and “HBFF” that only gives “stats for HBFF coming soon … “. This could be an easier answer to my needs, when working.

    Or , it could be a subset of the logsearch – latest logs – national awards , or else a subset of awards & progs – National Awards – ; but the 1st is more likely to be pertinent.

    Or else it could be similar to callsign search : Logsearch – Logsearch Callsign and be Logsearch – Logsearch Reference ; where I may query for , i.e., a single reference, i.e. HBFF-0001 to list a reference and its logs present on the DataBase, know how many activations and who was activator; or even a national program name, i.e. HBFF, and in that case it will list all the activated references logs that are in the WWFF DataBase.

    This are my thinkings; you are the Master, and thus of course, do what you feel better !
    But I hope to have been helpful.

    For these logs, that I had listed in my last message, if you could see if they are not in the WWFF, then I could add them.

    My upload ended while migration, as we wrote us these times, and after HBFF-0174, some month ago; so we are a bit late!

    I could recover uploading the listed logs, if it is OK from you!
    Please, when you have time to do it, tell me if OK, and I’ll do.

    73 44, and have a nice, calm and warm Xmas!


    HI Andrew and Danny , I wish you all a nice end of 2016 and happy 2017 .
    Well, about the above list of HBFF logs, I guess I can simply upload them, as from my data.
    I’ll do it soon .
    So the HBFF Hunters may get an updated rank list and their Awards.
    When the HBFF-List will be available, I’ll be able to check if there will be some double log; but I guess all is OK .
    73 44 es 51 dear Friends!
    Augusto HB9TZA


    Happy new Year 2017 !!!
    I have uploaded the above listed logs, and some of them gave me a message ” log already uploaded ” that has been a happy new for me!
    Very good indeed, FB !
    So now for what regards the HBFF , all is OK except for an activation log that I have not yet received “;^((
    As soon – if even – I will get it, I’ll upload .
    Many whishes and thanks for all !
    73 44 51 de Augusto HB9TZA


    I guess the topic shall be closed now

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