Incorrect Park reference

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  • #13089

    Hello admins,

    In my log file VK1DI@VKFF-0845_20221231.adi the initial 5 QSOs, before UTC changeover have an incorrect park reference VKFF-0458.

    This should be VKFF-0845

    Can these 5 QSOs be corrected. Otherwise deleted and can reimport with the correct park reference. Entries after UTC rollover are ok.

    QSOs are
    VK1MCW 2m FM 20221231 234248
    VK1AD/2 2m FM 20221231 234633
    VI10SOTA 2m FM 20221231 234839
    VK1MT 2m FM 20221231 234933
    VK1KCM 2m FM 20221231 235141

    Ian VK1DI

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