Issues with my stats

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  • #8083


    An issue with stats on Logsearch….

    I checked the Top Operator stats tonight for VK in 2018, and it shows that I have 5 (9) activations for 2018. So five (5) which qualified for WWFF with 44 QSOs, and a total of 9 where I did not reach the 44.

    However, I have actually undertaken 11 activations during 2018, with 6 of those qualifying for WWFF with 44 QSOs. So the stats should show 6 (11).

    When I checked my activator stats it only shows ten (10) park activations in 2018. It should be eleven (11). My activation for VKFF-1047 on 10th March 2018 which I uploaded successfully with 66 QSOs, doesn’t show in the list.

    I am wondering why these are these discrepancies in the Logsearch stats?

    I look forward to your reply.


    Paul VK5PAS

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