log search page problem

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  • #9874
    Geoff vk3sq

    Greetings. After logging in and on the home page, clicking the log search link take me to that page but my call sign window is blanks and my details have have gone that are on the top right side as if I’m logged out. Consequently, I am unable to view my contacts or download contacts or apply for other award.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    73 de Geoff vk3sq


    The same thing has been happening to me.
    I can get in if I log -in then click on logsearch on the menu along the top.
    If I log in and then click the logo below my details on the page it just seems to take me to the log-in again.


    Agreed, I first saw this last weekend, and thought a browser update on my end could have been responsible. I am using a different computer and browser now.
    I can login to wwff.co. I can post to the forum, but when I try to look at Logsearch the wwff.co system regards me as not logged in.


    Working again now, thankyou to whoever fixed it


    Andrew M0YMA

    There have been a few “funnies” since the server was upgraded… we’re trying to catch them….

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