Park to Park Award query

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  • #8451


    I was recently informed by a WWFF participant, that for Park to Park contacts to qualify, 44 contacts must have been made from the park where the P2P contact was made.

    Can you please clarify?


    Paul VK5PAS.

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Paul

    No that is incorrect

    A P2P will confirm even if it is the only QSO of the activation


    A P2P will confirm even if it is the only QSO of the activation

    I dare to object: not always.
    Recently, I revised my QSOs, several times it happens so my activation is credited, the activation of the correspondent is also credited. But our P2P is not credited. In this case, I already have credited P2P with other activators during exactly this activation. Perhaps somewhen, if time permits, I will make a summary for you, Andrew, on these P2P and other incomprehensible things with Log Search.
    Now this is not the most important for me.

    73! Vit, RN3ANT

    Andrew M0YMA

    Feedback of issues is always welcome

    Re: p2p… I can only repeat my comment about analysing VK5PAS’s missing P2Ps – with one exception, every single one was due to errors in the logs!

    The one logic error was because the two QSOs were logged either side of midnight UTC (ie one was 23:59 and the other was 00:01 on the next day) so they didn’t match by date!

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