Reissued callsign of Silent Key causing logging issues

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Reissued callsign of Silent Key causing logging issues

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  • #15110
    Nelson Stillman


    I have acquired a callsign that was held by a previous operator who has been a silent key for 7 years and was active on the WWFF program. When I review my stats I need to start at year 2023 onward however I can only select 1 year or “All Time” for my stats. Is there a way to restrict my selections to 2023 onward or somehow prevent years before 2023 from being recalled? In time I would like to apply for awards but I don’t want to knowingly submit a false claim as the SK contacts will be considered.


    Hi Nelson,

    I will relay this to the IT team. I don’t know if there’s a solution for this dilemma currently, but the dilemma is real and should be handled in some manner.

    Kim OH6KZP

    Nelson Stillman


    I was wondering if there has been any consideration of addressing my dilemma of having a call sign of a now SK who was previously active in WWFF as I would like to start using my 2 letter call VE9FX for WWFF?

    Take care. Nelson currently operating as VE9NHS.

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