Split: Award list

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  • #3198

    Hi Danny and Andrew,
    I have a small question here about the Awards Request, apart from the other ones about logsearch etc.
    See here an abstract of Pending Awards:

    Action Award Status UserID Username Callsigns Date Applied
    O HBFF-A-25 pending 649 HB9TZA HB9WFF 2016-10-23

    My question: when the Award is issued to a Club-Callsign, why not issue it to “Owner_Callsign” in place of “Username” ??
    It would be more correct for club or group or special calls, where Ops are many and not one only person.
    My 2 cents, imho … thanks!
    73 44 Buon Natale! de Augusto HB9TZA I2JJR

    Andrew M0YMA

    The intent of the Rules is that you only apply for your own awards… so only the Club login should apply for Club awards!


    OK ! That’s right.
    But it happened to me in the past to request accidentally some awards that are not mine! And it did.

    Actually, the HB9WFF callsig is administrated by HB9FBI ; but there is a Pending Award for HB9TZA as HB9WFF … we will reject it of course; but it happened.

    You see, if I do logsearch for a callsign after my log-in , i.e. searching for callsign IK2FBI , it searches as it were IK2FBI used by HB9TZA; ( Summary Statistics for user HB9TZA
    (using call-sign IK2QPO) and it is not so. THuere, I can apply for IK2QPO Awards, too .

    This seems me a wrong thing; of ciourse, if I am correct I will not request them; but it happened, accidentally.

    73 es 44 es 51 de Augusto HB9TZA I2JJR

    Andrew M0YMA

    On the ToDo list is to restrict award applications to your own call-sign(s)


    Very well, thanks Andrew!
    Buon Natale to you and your Dears !
    Augusto hb9tza i2jjr

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