Wrong Station Call

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  • #10687
    Bob (KA9JAC)

    OOPs, I messed these up, forgot to set the station call.
    In these logs the Station_Call should be K8P
    Operator call is KG8P
    #00091859 K8P@KFF-1487 20201013.adi
    #00091858 K8P@KFF-1542 20201017.adi
    #00091857 K8P@KFF-1976 20201016.adi
    #00091856 K8P@KFF-3310 20201011.adi
    #00091855 K8P@KFF-5070 20201014.adi

    Heck it took me until now to make a fair sized goof for this year ๐Ÿ™‚

    73, 44
    Bob, KA9JAC

    Manfred Meier

    stationcall and stationbasecall in all 5 logs was replaced

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