Registered: 8 years, 4 months ago
My interest in radio started when I was in grade 6. I met a couple of kids I who built crystal sets and I set one up in my bedroom. My dad gave me an old Philips radio with a couple of SW bands when I was about 10 years of age. I loved listening to short wave radio and had antennas running from the top of the house to an adjacent tree. This opened up a whole new world to me, scanning the bands at night and getting excited when I heard a scratchy station, I couldn’t understand the language but the music was good. I continued with shortwave listening for many years. I became interested in CB radio when you could purchase a CB radio from “Radio Shack”. It was OK to buy a CB radio, but it was illegal to use them. We CB operators became very inventive when installing CB sets in our vehicles and constantly moved around so the inspectors could not catch us. I am sure that is how a lot of amateur radio operators started in radio. After I married I worked with a chap who was a licenced Amateur Radio operator, Frank Taylor. VK5TG who really got me interested in amateur radio and I spent many years in Frank’s shack listening to him make contacts around the world, he loved working 20 meters, he had a large Cubical Quad antenna in his back yard which in those days he used to rotate manually. Frank was a radio operator in the RAAF in WW2 and loved Morse code. I am sure many of you would have made contact with Frank over the years. In 1996 I decided to have a go at obtaining my Amateur Licence; I found the Morse code difficult and dropped out, which was disappointing. Over the following years I obtained various radios and set up shacks so I could listen to Amateur radio operators around the world, but it was always frustrating to hear a CQ call and not be able to make contact. After I retired from work I thought I would have another go at obtaining a licence and was pleasantly surprised to learn that I could sit for a Foundation Licence without having to learn that dreaded obstacle, Morse code. I sat for my Foundation licence and passed. I am currently using a Yaesu FT-450D transceiver with and a G5RV. Jr Dipole balanced 40 – 10 Meter antenna which is working fine from my location here in Strathalbyn, South Australia. I am working on ideas on how to construct a mast with the idea of installing a rotating beam antenna which will include 80 meters. I am currently restricted to 10 watts output and so far I am happy with the numerous contacts I have made so far both in Australia and into the West Coast of the USA. I am looking forward to sitting for my Standard Licence so I can increase my power output and use other bands. I met an old friend who has sparked my interest in becoming involved in the radio Conservations Parks program. I am thoroughly enjoying my new hobby and found all the operators I have contacted to be welcoming and helpful. I would recommend amateur radio to anyone who is looking for a good hobby. I have joined the WIA and AHARS.
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