WWFF 2025 Marathon Rules

* Purpose: Make as many QSOs as possible to/from WWFF nature reserves globally and activate as many of them as possible during the year 2025.

The marathon encourages the enjoyment of the outdoors and hiking, along with increased awareness of nature and the importance of conserving it.

* Time: 1.1.2025 00:00 UTC – 31.12.2025 23:59 UTC

* Sprints: Every calendar month is viewed as a separate “sprint”. Results and top standings will be announced for each sprint, in addition to the full-year Marathon results.

* Modes and bands: All amateur radio modes and bands

* Categories: A) activator, H) hunter. In other words, you can participate in the marathon from A) WWFF nature reserves and/or H) your home station.

* QSOs: Those in category A can work any station. Those in category H work only stations that are in WWFF nature reserves (they often sign /P). Only QSOs uploaded to the WWFF database count towards awards.

* Prize lottery: The Marathon’s sponsors have kindly agreed to provide a number of prizes for participants. These prizes are subject to a lottery draw, for which tickets are accumulated during the Marathon as follows:

  • Hunters: one lottery ticket for every 10 QSOs in the annual total
  • Activators: two lottery tickets for every 44 QSOs in the annual total and two tickets for each WWFF reference activated

Periodic updates of accumulated tickets will be provided throughout 2025. The lottery draw will be performed in a live Google Meet event at the beginning of 2026. The main prizes are:

* Logging: All relevant QSOs will be found in the logs of those in category A, so those in category H don’t need to send a log. Participants in category A should send their logs to their national WWFF log manager in regular fashion, latest on January 10, 2026.

* Results standings: Tables for activators and hunters will be available and automatically updated during 2025 on a dedicated Marathon page.

* Photos: Participants are encouraged to photograph the WWFF nature reserves they visit, for the enjoyment of the entire amateur radio community. Photos will be collected at https://cuf.fi/wwffphoto and they may be used in WWFF awards and other WWFF-related communication, with credit to the photographer.

* Awards:


  • WWFF Pillar Hunter for working WWFF activators on at least 180 calendar days during the year
  • For number of WWFF QSOs during the year: 244, 1,044, 2,044, and 3,044
  • For number of DXFF (i.e., DXCC countries, with at least one WWFF reference worked in each) during the year: 44
  • For number of KFF states/territories + VEFF provinces/territories + VKFF states/territories during the year: 44


  • WWFF Pillar Activator for activating at least one WWFF reference every month
  • For number of WWFF QSOs during the year: 244, 1,044, 5,044, and 10,044
  • For number of confirmed P2P QSOs during the year: 44, 144, and 244

To facilitate the special award processing we ask the activators – especially when using vanity / special event calls or group calls – to make sure the operator field in their logs is populated with their home callsign.

* Special events: The Marathon includes events sponsored by WWFF and its national programs. They create focused WWFF presence on the bands and encourage P2P QSOs between activators:

* Contact for further information: marathon@wwff.co (forwards to Kim OH6KZP and Jakob OZ7AEI)

* Partners: We would like to warmly thank the prize sponsors of the WWFF 2025 Marathon:

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