W7JKC – P2P question.

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  • #4949


    John Calnan was asking for the status on this one please from 4/23 – you’ll have to see the e-mail for the attachments,:

    Hello, Andrew – I’m looking for the best way to give Scott his Park-to-Park credits from the 2016 NPOTA program. He previously submitted the logs into WWFF, but now realizes that he had several Park to Park contacts that did not get correctly logged as such.

    What is the best way to correct these entries? He’s done a good job summarizing the contacts below. Please advise.

    Thank you.
    John Calnan W7JKC
    KFF Region 7 Coordinator.

    Andrew M0YMA

    Actioned (bar one which I have emailed a query)

    These should confirm in tonight’s run…


    Thanks – will go ahead and close. I’ll reopen if needed.

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