The first update for May has just been released, featuring a number of new awards:
- The migration of the Directory Manager
- Next step in the GxFF awards (level 22)
Directory Manager
I am pleased to announce that I have completed the porting of Directory Manager to be an integral part of the WWFF Logsearch plugin.
For the majority of users, this is an entirely transparent move – however, it now means that the Directory Master is an integral part of THIS site, rather than being managed through the ‘old’ Logsearch site, and periodically sync-ed… this should mean there are fewer delays ion getting changes made to the ‘live’ Directory, and in particular it means only one code-base to be maintained.
My thanks to Danny ON4VT for helping test this.
With this, the ‘old’ Logsearch will now be decommissioned, once an for all 🙂
The expansion of the North American directory continues apace, with the addition of a further 265 State areas, in IL, IN and WI.
Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.
Major congratulations on achieving this. I know this has been a thorn in your side. Onwards and upwards. This program is growing at such a rate of knots that the best speed boats are having trouble keeping up. cheers Bill VK4FW
Thanks for job… but how i can to modify or add french references FFF ?
finde ich gut
Thank You Andrew and Danny! Timo OH7JHA
Job well done. TU.
Great. Thank you.
However, FFF-1592 and several others are still Valid in the directory but National in the QSOs download.