Further to the recent announcement, the WWFF Committee are pleased to confirm the launch of a new award for Activators… the WWFF Activator Points Award.
As previously announced, this will launch on 2020-01-01 00:00:01utc – only QSOs made on or after this time shall be valid for the new award (but, obviously are valid for the other WWFF awards.
Points will be awarded as follows:
- One point for each 44 QSOs from a reference (up to a maximum of 10 points, for 440 QSOs or above) per calendar year.
- Five points for each DX Entity where a reference has been sucessfully activated from, per calendar year.
Certificates will be issued for 11, 22, 44 and 88 points… higher levels will be determined in due course. Thanks to Francois ON5SWA for taking on the role of Award Manger.
Logsearch is already configured to report the points running total… applications will be enabled shortly…
thanks for your work Andrew,
to all readers a happy and successful new year 2020
73, 44, Manfred DF6EX
Please explain more about “each DX Entity”
May “each DX Entity” is each reference, other than where you can made 440 QSO =10 points!
“Five points for each DX Entity where a reference has been sucessfully activated from, per calendar year.”
Or it means to go in other DXFF entity? How it apply to USA, Canada, Australia?? How many QSO you need to make from there:1, 10, 100??
Why this limitation to 10 points and 440 QSOs.
Thinks that we need to have more QSOs, no limitation only to 440. If I can have 2000, I have only 10 points. Why I work for more…..
I suggest that for each 44 QSO over 440 have 2 points, over 880 for each 44 QSOs have 3 points.
What the difference between station with permanent location in XXFF and one who go in a XXFF.?
First can make QSOs all time, second only when go in FFpedition!
Are both in same ranking??
Sorry, but this is my few opinion!
Pit YO3jW
DX-entitiy is each DXCC-country plus districts in VE/VK plus states in W
The limitation of maximum of 10 activator points per WWFF-reference is simply that some people living in WWFF-areas. If you would give them the possibility that they make from at home 20000 contacts in a year (making every large contest), then it would be unfair against the portable operators.
I think main-target should be that the people activate out in the nature and btw
Thanks you for nice new award!
One question. Can i activate same area many times in calendar year to get maximum 440 qsos and 10 points or do i need to get those 440 qso on one activation and i can try activate same area in next year again?
yes you can do it in several activations or in one, it is up to you (and of course conditions, etc.)
next year it counts again up to the 10 points from the same area also, this pointing is on a yearly basis
Thanks for the excellent idea.
I mean, for my desire for more reactivations, the hunter should also be interested in making a QSO with me again and again from the same reference!
My opinion:
the solution is actually very simple (as an example):
one point per REFERENCE AND CALLSIGN per month for the hunters and ALL (activators and hunters) are satisfied.
This allows each of my activations to be increased by up to 1200% per year. As an activator, I can activate a reference for 12 points per year (1 point = at least 44 QSOs per activation) and I am always a sought-after station every month and get my QSO points!
The hunters can also collect a lot of points and like to have a QSO with me every month from the same reference!
I say: no motivation for hunters, no real fun for the activators!
Vy 73/44 and a Happy New Year 2020
Sorry, my English is not good.
Hello and happy new year, the idea behind is, that you give a broader community the chance to work more references. If you hand out points every month again and again also only the leaders in the scoreboard will grow and grow with their score. There are a lot of WWFFs existing, where less than 100 contacts have been done. Other WWFFs were not activated since years. So the idea behind is to give the activator the interest to work a wider field of hunter or maybe give somebody a chance who wasnt´t there when last activity happened. (maybe with a longer operation or maybe extending bands / modes).
A good addition of course would be maybe in the future to offer an additionally hunter-award for yearly score. But at first we should take what we have.