Recently, the programs for digital modes have been enriched by the achievements of K1JT with FT8 / WSJT-X, as well as the derivatives made on this suport (JTDX, MSHV). This was followed by FT4 which allows a higher rate of connections over a period of time.WWFF operators have also joined these new possibilities. They have been hit by limits on the length of messages sent, which cannot support any combination of numbers and letters.
There are a number of 7 common variants that can be used:
TX1 (His_call) {Own_call} Own_locator
TX2 (His_call) (Own_call) (report)
TX3 (His_call) (Own_call) R (report)
TX4 (His_call) (Own_call) RR73 or RRR
TX5 (His_call) (Own_call) 73
TX6 CQ (Own_call) Own_locator
TX7 free with 13 signs (letters or numbers, including pauses)
The question is how we can transmit the information required for the WWFF, namely:
1 – how to call stations interested in WWFF
2 – how to inform about your own WWFF reference number
The first, FF can be added to the previous TX6
TX6 CQ FF (Own_call) Own_locator
where “FF” stands for “Fauna & Flora”
For information on its own reference number TX5 could be used as follows:
TX5 XXFF-0000 73 or TU
This text can be used on TX7 too
They can be accessed also from the F1 … F7 keys.
Another way to make the presence known in the band, and implicitly the WWFF reference number, is to announce our presence through a DX Cluster. But this implies the possibility of having access to a DX Cluster, both the activator and the hunter.
I would dare to recommend using FT4 which is faster and under normal conditions there is no difference in efficiency compared to FT8.
It is also considered beneficial to define dedicated frequencies for WWFF. These could be 2 kHz below the current frequencies agreed in different bands (example instead of 7074 kHz in 40m, to be at 7042 kHz for WWFF, aso)
This is a proposal. If you have other ideas, please come up with suggestions
Pit, YO3JW
FT8/FT4 in WWFF activity
09 Tuesday Jun 2020
Posted News
Why drag these fake “QSO” into the last, still remaining normal, amateur radio program?
“Why drag these fake “QSO” into the last, still remaining normal, amateur radio program?”
Hello Vit
Here’s how run a QSO in the “normal, amateur radio program”
In CW.
Activator: CQ RN3ANT RFF-0000
Hunter: YO3JW
A: YO3JW gm Pit 599
H: gm Vit 599
A: 44
A: DL2ND gm Uwe 599
H: cfm 599 tu
In SSB is about the same! Just use microphone!
Some comments:
We all want to have as many WWFF participants as possible.
I don’t know the real number of participants, but I suspect that there aren’t many new participants.
The more I watch in the telegraph band, the more often they are the same people who come to call you.
Most prefer sSSB where with a station, antenna, after obtaining the authorization, they can go out in traffic immediately.
I don’t know where telegraphy was practiced, but it certainly took some time before you got to today’s performance.
A few words about FT8.
It is a working mode that allows working with “weak” antennas and low emission levels due to signal decoding up to -25dB!
This aspect is desirable in WWFF activations where it is difficult to provide power for large current consuming stations!
There is another advantage! It is not required to practice telegraphy, especially since in many countries it is no longer subject to examination for authorization.
It is true that it requires a computer connected to the station and a suitable program that can be easily installed.
There are light and computer’s “battery” today that allow you to use them for several hours.
In my opinion, these are advantages in favor of using FT8, respectively FT4.
In the hope that this mode of work will soon enter daily use, please comment on the proposed mode of work and ensure a dedicated frequency for WWFF.
I will try in future activations to use mainly the FT4 / FT8 modes, announcing the frequencies that I will exploit.
It remains for the WWFF community to try to participate.
No one will never meet me in these modes.
I will rather abandon amateur radio than I will use these fake modes.
These “new” “progressive” modes kill hamradio and amateurradio. There is nothing for me to do in this “new” fakeradio.
The same opinium as RN3ANT……………….ON4ON
I got this msg to approve!
“Besides what Pit said, I would offer another reason for activating WWFF references using FT8/FT4:
I am the generation that missed learning CW, yet I have a ham radio license.
I do activations in SSB on 20, 15 and 10m (also 2m FM) and 40m & 80m when time and conditions allow installing longer wires.
If the hunters embrace FT8/FT4, I would be able to use the 30m band also!
Which is not so crowded and enjoys good propagation at almost any time of the day.
Emil, YO5PUV”
TNX OZ7AEI/p, Jacob, for FT8 QSO in 40m . I saw you also in 30m & 80m.