A bunch of S5 enthusiast operators proudly annuce that S5FF Slovenia is in full phase of building,peparing and setting up and it’s about to start.News will be folowed with offical START day.
Any help & support is wellcome.
Thanks to all 44 & 73
Mike S55G
Good luck, good activations from the pilots and we will be listening to start the hunting of the flora fauna.
De SV2CNE George
73 & 44
S5 has become a new official country member in the WWFF program. Welcome.
Information is available on the WWFF National program.All logs should be addressed to the point of contact.
WWFF members
Luk on4bb
Hi there…
We are happy to annunce that 131 new references NEW entries are inserted in S5FF directory in total are now 135 entries of protected areas…. Started from zero point…colected ,sorted,verifed… and posted….. great big job…but also a joy…and pelasure… to offer thise new one referencies to FFcommunity… when they be a ctivated will be a pleasure too…
see directory for the list of new entries…
We are also fast building the award program this days…we have a lot of work..so we carry on….on our path…
Enjoy.. FSFF new one’s !!!
73 & 44
Mike S55G
S5FF Team