The PYFF is proud to annouce upcoming activities from different WWFF, WORLD WIDE FLORA & FAUNA. references.
From December 23th to 30th, 2023, we will carry out operations in partnership with LABRE-CE and the WWFF Program in three different natural preservation areas.
PYFF 0407 : Parque Estadual do Cocó-CE
PYFF 0427, APA do Rio Pacoti- CE
PYFF 0354 : APA of Sabiaguaba-CE
Where we will use the LABRE Ceará call PT7AA, operating both in the HF and VHF bands, in simplex mode, especially in the HF bands from 80 to 10m and Phone, CW and Digital FT8 modes.
The operation has a team still being formed, initially defined as PT7YV, Beto, PT7BI, Daniel and PS8RV, Ronaldo Val-Coordinator in Brazil of the WWFF Program.
All logs will be uploaded to the WWFF web to gain your credits for the PYFF-award.
We hope all to hear you on the air.
Thank you, PS8RV.