Development of the core software for the WWFF award program started back in 2012 by Andrew M0YMA. Andrew has been keeping the application alive on his own all these years, for which we are grateful.
With an ever growing user base and new ideas to improve the program, the time Andrew had available became a bottleneck.
We are happy that other software developers stepped forward this year to help WWFF out and relieve Andrew. At the moment we have a team consisting of Hugo CT7AOV and Jouni OH3CUF with the IT support of Edwin PD0SOT that is already working on the software. Recently three more volunteers have stepped forward from VK to expand the IT development team further.
It is great to see these skilled people spend part of their spare time helping our program move forward. The new team has already implemented the first changes to the WWFF software with bug fixes and new award levels.
There is an existing backlog of items the team is working on but we are also looking at ways to make it easy for users to propose changes that – if we find them valuable – will end up on the development backlog. Watch this space!
Thanks to all the people working on the IT developments!
I find wonderful that other Hams join Andrew to further WWFF development!
It gives sense to the words “Han Radio Community” as it has always been by Ham Radio, from the very beginning.
Even if, with the time and development, some trouble arises (it always happens to human beings) in Ham Radio. Nonetheless it goes forth, always, and WWFF does it too.
My grateful thanks to all these hams, and congrats for their finer job, present and future.
73, Augusto I2JJR / HB9TZA
I’m really pleased that we now have a Team, working together for the benefit of the community… recent updates have shown that this is already bearing fruit.
A reminder: WWFF “owns” WWFF Logsearch…
Thanks for all the great work everyone days.
One item I would like to see resurrected is the android vkff app. I know it hasnt been updated since 2018, it was a great app for vkff. Added the link.
Thanks again
Bert vk6hdy
Thank you all for your dedication! 73/44