For all WWFF lovers who may want to join us in GreenParty 2024, you can find rules at https://wff-yo.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_3.html
09 Thursday May 2024
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For all WWFF lovers who may want to join us in GreenParty 2024, you can find rules at https://wff-yo.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_3.html
16 Tuesday May 2023
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There are a few weeks left until GreenParty 2023.
It’s time to plan our activity for June 10-11, so that we can enjoy a new outgoing in nature.
The necessary information can be found at: https://wff-yo.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_3.html
During the GreenParty period you can get a diploma.
You must have worked at least 5 stations from different WWFF areas. Request go to fenyo3jw(at)yahoo.com
Pit, YO3JW
11 Friday Nov 2022
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in≈ Comments Off on WWFF turns 10 years old
In 2012, after a series of consultations, it was decided to transform what was “WFF” into the new formula, that of “WWFF”
On the WWFF website you can find information about the actions that will take place on this occasion. https://wwff.co/2022/09/10th-anniversary-activity-weekend/
The YOFF group collaborated, both in the development of the program, and with a set of diplomas that were and are issued to those who participate in the WWFF programs.
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, YOFF offers a set of diplomas for the participants from November 19 – 20, 2022 to the “weekend activity WWFF” regardless of the country they are from.
Thus, for those who will activate (Activator) protected areas will be the following: Novice Class with 2 activated areas; Standard Class with 4 activated zones and Expert Class with 6 activated zones. From each activated zone, a minimum of 44 QSOs must be made between November 19, 2022 at 00:00 UTC until November 20, 2022 at 23:59 UTC.
For those who will seek to work on those from the protected areas (Hunter) there will be the following: Novice Class for 10 different areas; Standard Class for 20 different areas and Expert Class for 30 different areas. A special diploma will be awarded to the station with the most protected areas worked during the “weekend activity WWFF”
We hereby invite you to try to leave the house, for a few hours, together with a radio equipment and activate one or more protected areas from the WWFF list. Not only in this “WWFF activity weekend” but also on any other occasion. If you have done this, do not forget to send the log with the connections made, in ADIF format, to fenyo3jwATyahoo.com
On the site wff-yo.blogspot.com you can find a lot of information, you just have to view it!
Pit, YO3JW
13 Friday May 2022
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in≈ Comments Off on GREENPARTY 2022 – 10th edition
The YOFF team of SRR (The Romanian Society of Radioamateurs) and other teams who accept rules, invite all the radioamateurs to join us in GreenParty 2022
Purpose: to stimulate the ham operators to leave the house and involve in portable/outdoor operation related to the nature and ecology and to familiarize worldwide radioamateurs with protected natural areas.
Date: 4th June 2022 from 06.00 UTC to 5th June2021 05.59 UTC. Annual Saturday nearest 9th June
Mode: CW, PH(ssb), DG (FT8/FT4) in each mode segment of band
Call: “CQ GP”, “CQ 44” or “cq greenparty”
Bands: 3,5; 7; 14; 21; 28 MHz
Categories of participation:
– one operator or multiple operators (only one signal per band)– mixed, CW, PH, DG
– multi-band or mono-band
– High power, Low power (100W out) and QRP (5W out)- indoor and outdoor (with 1 or 2 activated references. In this case use 6 or 12 hours period for each reference ) stations
– by periods: 6 hours; 12 hours; – you can select it with out pause – and full 24 hours; .
Examples of combination as: LP DG 21 MHz 6H; QRP SOMB-2 PH 24H; HP MOMB CW 6H; aso.
The SWL are welcome too. They must to record both calls in QSO
Report exchange: RS(T) + Number. You can work same station in CW, PH and DG mode, in same band, on their mode segment of band. Number from indoor station is starting with 001 and increment with each QSO.
Number from outdoor station is fixed and is derived from reference code of protected natural area without the country code from where the outdoor station is located,
NEW: but use last letter “F” as first after control RS(T) and before reference number.
Ex: A station from YOFF-0123 will send “5 9 9 F 0 1 2 3”.
QSO indoor – indoor = 1 point
QSO indoor – other = 10 points (QSO outdoor – indoor = 10 points)
QSO outdoor – outdoor = 10 points
No multipliers.
The “indoor” stations which are permanent inside a natural protected area will count as a “outdoor” station and will send a control accordingly.
Final score: sum of points from all bands
Logs in standard Cabrillo or ADIF format will be sent to: gp2012ff@yahoo.com 5 days after the “party”.
Logs emailed after the deadline may be ineligible for any awards.
06 Thursday Jan 2022
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in≈ Comments Off on 2021’s Top 44 Certificates to download
Hello all !
You can download your Certificate in 2021’s Top 44 from wff-yo.blogspot.com
Congratulation for activators and hunters!
18 Tuesday May 2021
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in≈ Comments Off on GreenParty 2021
GreenParty is in its 10th edition. This year 5-6 June. The rules are at: http://wff-yo.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_3.html
I would like to remind you that this activity is open to all those involved in FF activities, both activators and hunters. In recent years, comments have been made that this activity belongs to Europeans. Unfortunately, it seems that it has not been understood that the regulation is made in such a way that any other continent can participate. There are no multipliers that favor one participant or another depending on the continent they are on. Everything is done so that everyone can be satisfied. I invite in this way those from Oceania, North and South America, Asia and Africa to try to be present.
09 Tuesday Jun 2020
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in Recently, the programs for digital modes have been enriched by the achievements of K1JT with FT8 / WSJT-X, as well as the derivatives made on this suport (JTDX, MSHV). This was followed by FT4 which allows a higher rate of connections over a period of time.WWFF operators have also joined these new possibilities. They have been hit by limits on the length of messages sent, which cannot support any combination of numbers and letters.
There are a number of 7 common variants that can be used:
TX1 (His_call) {Own_call} Own_locator
TX2 (His_call) (Own_call) (report)
TX3 (His_call) (Own_call) R (report)
TX4 (His_call) (Own_call) RR73 or RRR
TX5 (His_call) (Own_call) 73
TX6 CQ (Own_call) Own_locator
TX7 free with 13 signs (letters or numbers, including pauses)
The question is how we can transmit the information required for the WWFF, namely:
1 – how to call stations interested in WWFF
2 – how to inform about your own WWFF reference number
The first, FF can be added to the previous TX6
TX6 CQ FF (Own_call) Own_locator
where “FF” stands for “Fauna & Flora”
For information on its own reference number TX5 could be used as follows:
TX5 XXFF-0000 73 or TU
This text can be used on TX7 too
They can be accessed also from the F1 … F7 keys.
Another way to make the presence known in the band, and implicitly the WWFF reference number, is to announce our presence through a DX Cluster. But this implies the possibility of having access to a DX Cluster, both the activator and the hunter.
I would dare to recommend using FT4 which is faster and under normal conditions there is no difference in efficiency compared to FT8.
It is also considered beneficial to define dedicated frequencies for WWFF. These could be 2 kHz below the current frequencies agreed in different bands (example instead of 7074 kHz in 40m, to be at 7042 kHz for WWFF, aso)
This is a proposal. If you have other ideas, please come up with suggestions
Pit, YO3JW