Congratulations to ZS6A Pierre, as he registered as the 3000th member of WWFF !
3000 registered WWFF members !
20 Thursday Jul 2017
20 Thursday Jul 2017
Congratulations to ZS6A Pierre, as he registered as the 3000th member of WWFF !
13 Thursday Jul 2017
Hello to all National co-ordinators and Contintental representatives,
When adding new references to the on-line WWFF Directory, could you please also take the time to add the latitude and longitude of the reference you are adding.
The reason for this request is that Alena OK2APY is doing some magnificent work behind the scenes with mapping WWFF references. However for Alena to complete her mapping work, the latitude and longitude of the reference is required.
By National co-ordinators and Contintental reps doing this little piece of extra research when data entering, a lot of extra work by Alena herself, is removed.
New references will no longer be approved until the latitude and longitude information has been provided.
The WWFF mapping project can be viewed at…..
Thankyou very much in anticipation.
73 and ’44’,
23 Friday Jun 2017
Posted Awards
The 2017 Greenparty results, organised by YOFF, are now available at GREENPARTY 2017
Congratulations to the winners! Certificates will go out in the next days. See you in the 2018 Greenparty !
19 Monday Jun 2017
Posted Awards, News, WWFF Activation Stories
in≈ Comments Off on OK1FRT/p – 300 unique OKFF activations
Lada OK1FRT is the 1-st holder of OKFF Platinum Award 1-st Class with 300 OKFF areas, all worked only CW with his QRP RIGs.
Lada with his legendary radio-bicycle on Ham Radio Bicycle Expedition OK1RCX. (Photo by Pavel OK1DX)
16 Friday Jun 2017
Posted Awards
in≈ Comments Off on SACFF award launched
WWFF is proud to launch the SACFF global award. You can apply for this award via LogSearch if you confirmed WWFF references in at least 7 different South American DXCC.
With thanks to Pit, YO3JW, for designing another great award !
Good hunting !
31 Wednesday May 2017
Posted Awards
in≈ Comments Off on GreenParty 2017
From OPDX Bulletin 1316 / 29 May 2017
“GREENPARTY 2017 EVENT. The YOFF team of SRR (The Romanian Society of Radio- amateurs) and ARER (The Romanian Association of Environmentalists Radio- amateurs) are inviting all the radio amateurs to join them in the Green- Party 2017 event, between 0600-1759z on June 3rd. The purpose of the event is to stimulate the ham operators to leave the house and get involved in portable/outdoor operation related to nature and ecology and to famil- iarize worldwide radio amateurs with protected natural areas. For more details, see: For a Web page that lists upcoming WWFF stations, see: INFO In Face Book is a question about logs for GreenParty 1.Any program you are using can make export as Cabrillo and ADIF so you make both! 2. The cabrillo log go for GreenParty 3. The ADIF log go to National Coordinator or DF6EX to upload in Logsearch 4. When you have P2P QSO you have 2 references. One is your and second is your partner from other park. After ADIF log is ready, open with text editor and add “SIG_INFO” where it need as: <SIG_INFO:9>XXFF-3795 or <SIG_INFO:8>FFF-0795 where you have P2P QSO XXFF-3795 and FFF-0795 is an example. Save it and sent out.”
30 Tuesday May 2017
The second update for May has just been released, featuring the next steps in the P2P and GxFF awards, plus (probably most importantly) a fix to a major problem with CSV Log Uploads.
Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.