As you all have noticed we have migrated to a new website developed by Danny ON4VT. We hope you like it (we do :). Danny has joined the WWFF team earlier this year to take care of more than just our web presence. Danny will look after our public relations – within the WWFF community and in the world outside of WWFF. We hope that with the help of Danny we can expand WWFF and increase activity especially in parts of the world where there is little today.
There is another change in the WWFF team: after almost 3 years I have decided to step down as chairman of WWFF, because of other commitments outside the hobby. We are lucky to have found a good successor in Luk ON4BB. Luk will take over as WWFF chairman as of now. I wish him luck and fun in his new position. He has a good team to work with.
Looking back I am proud of what all involved WWFF enthusiasts have accomplished since the rough start we had with this program at the end of 2012. I am confident that – with the help of all these dedicated people – the program will continu to grow in size and importance in the ham radio community.
Enjoy the program – make nature your shack!
73, Lars / PH0NO