World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio › Forums › WWFF HelpDesk › Award issues › HBFF AWARDS HBFF-A-125 AND HBFF-A-175; HONOUR ROLL › Reply To: HBFF AWARDS HBFF-A-125 AND HBFF-A-175; HONOUR ROLL
Hello, dear Friends,
I have a HBFF problem to solve:
– as I wrote, we now release Awards, both H and A, for 25-50-75-100-150-200-250-300 Refs
– Actually the Top Activator HB9BIN Juerg has activated 152 Refs, but he wrote me he cannot get the HBFF-A-150 on the LogSearch.
I supopose that the list of the obtainable HBFF Awards is not updated over the old 100 Refs max count; or there is also something else not working properly.
May I please you to fix this issue? I could anyway release the Awards by myself, but after that there could be a problem of Sync with the LogSearch, so I prefer not to, and let the Awards be requested via WWFF, rather than by direct email anymore.
Many thanks,
73 44, Augusto HB9TZA