World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio › Forums › WWFF HelpDesk › Award issues › HBFF AWARDS HBFF-A-125 AND HBFF-A-175; HONOUR ROLL › Reply To: HBFF AWARDS HBFF-A-125 AND HBFF-A-175; HONOUR ROLL
February 1, 2022 at 09:24
HI Pavel,
Luciano HB9FBI, the Award release man, wrote directly to you this email:
Dear Pavel for your information: HBFFA-125 and HBFFA-175 do not exist, after 100 there are only each 50 references if you need the 150 Award send me a list of your qsos.
73 + 44 Luciano HBFF awards issuing Manager