Reply To: Something wrong uploading HBFF-Logs with DLFF-0866 P2P Ref

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Logsearch Feedback Something wrong uploading HBFF-Logs with DLFF-0866 P2P Ref Reply To: Something wrong uploading HBFF-Logs with DLFF-0866 P2P Ref


Another similar Issue with another Log:

Log Upload
Uploading: HB9BIN @ HBFF-0375 20220330.ADI
… Reference: auto (auto)
… Station: auto (auto)
… Operator: auto (auto)
Pass 1… checking log
[OK] EOH detected
[ERROR] 20220330:114226 on 40M/SSB between HB9BIN/P (HB9BIN) @ HBFF-0375 and DL8ECA/P @ DLFF-0865
——> Invalid hunter reference DLFF-0865;
End of File… 104 of 105 QSOs valid
… please correct logfile then resubmit.
[ERROR] Logfile NOT uploaded
It seems as the DLFF-List were not updated!

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