Something wrong uploading HBFF-Logs with DLFF-0866 P2P Ref

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  • #12231

    I guess there is someting wrong in the Refs directory; it happens when I upload two HBFF Logs with DLFF-0866 P2P Reference:

    Log Upload
    Uploading: HB9CEV @ HBFF-0301 20220328.ADI
    … Reference: auto (auto)
    … Station: auto (auto)
    … Operator: auto (auto)
    Pass 1… checking log
    [OK] EOH detected
    [ERROR] 20220328:092146 on 40M/CW between HB9CEV/P (HB9CEV) @ HBFF-0301 and DL8ECA/P @ DLFF-0866
    ——> Invalid hunter reference DLFF-0866;
    End of File… 56 of 57 QSOs valid
    … please correct logfile then resubmit.
    [ERROR] Logfile NOT uploaded

    Log Upload
    Uploading: HB9BIN @ HBFF-0376 20220328.ADI
    … Reference: auto (auto)
    … Station: auto (auto)
    … Operator: auto (auto)
    Pass 1… checking log
    [OK] EOH detected
    [ERROR] 20220328:110542 on 40M/CW between HB9BIN/P (HB9BIN) @ HBFF-0376 and DL8ECA/P @ DLFF-0866
    ——> Invalid hunter reference DLFF-0866;
    End of File… 59 of 60 QSOs valid
    … please correct logfile then resubmit.
    [ERROR] Logfile NOT uploaded

    I have seen that on DLFF the Reference is OK, nonetheless something is wrong, I do not find what’s the trouble, may you help me? Thanks.
    73 44 Augusto HB9TZA


    Another similar Issue with another Log:

    Log Upload
    Uploading: HB9BIN @ HBFF-0375 20220330.ADI
    … Reference: auto (auto)
    … Station: auto (auto)
    … Operator: auto (auto)
    Pass 1… checking log
    [OK] EOH detected
    [ERROR] 20220330:114226 on 40M/SSB between HB9BIN/P (HB9BIN) @ HBFF-0375 and DL8ECA/P @ DLFF-0865
    ——> Invalid hunter reference DLFF-0865;
    End of File… 104 of 105 QSOs valid
    … please correct logfile then resubmit.
    [ERROR] Logfile NOT uploaded
    It seems as the DLFF-List were not updated!

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