
The WWFF August Activity Month

From Thursday the 1st of August to Friday 31st of August 2024.

  • The activity event will start at 00:00 UTC on August 1st and finish at 23:59 UTC on August 31st.
  • WWFF Activators are invited to be active from WWFF areas as much as possible.
  • A big opportunity for our hunters to work new WWFF areas and increase their score.
  • We recommend all Activators to use the WWFF Agenda and the WWFF Facebook Group to inform the WWFF Hunter community of their plans.
  • After each activity the Activators have to send in their logs to the log manager responsible for the areas they activated.
  • The deadline for sending in logs to count towards this special event is September 9th.
  • To facilitate the special award processing we ask the activators – especially when using vanity /special event calls or group calls – to make sure the operator field in their logs is populated with their home callsign.
  • The log uploaders then have a week to check and upload the logs. By September 16th we will start generating the awards and rank lists based on the available data in WWFF LogSearch.

Participation Awards

On September 16th WWFF will publish awards for Activators and Hunters.


For activating WWFF references during “The WWFF August Activity Month Activators should accumulate at least 220 QSOs. An extra award is available when an activator makes 1000+ QSOs from valid WWFF reference(s).

Activator award (220+)

Activator 1K award (1000+)


For hunting WWFF references during The WWFF August Activity Month Hunters should accumulate at least 22 references. After that base level, the first star is at 44 references with a new star for each 44 references more.

Hunter basic (22)

Hunter 1 star (44)

Hunter 2 star (88)

Hunter 3 star (132)

Hunter 4 star (176)

Hunter 5 star (220)

Hunter 6 star (264)

Each QSO counts towards this special award, except for dupes on same day/same band/same mode/same reference – otherwise hunt them as much as you can!