World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums National Programs & Awards ACTIVATORS THAT DONT READ THE AWARDS RULES

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  • #8331

    I am very sorry to note that, in spite of the widely spreaded WWFF Rules and of the ricurrent questions (polemics) related to HBFF rules being different from WWFF rules, still there are Activators that do not read carefully WWFF Rules, nor read the existing HBFF National Award Rules as they should do before to come in HB to activate!
    The results are polemics, disappointments, flaming on facebook, loss of time, loss of activities, loss of Activations by Hunters and P2P by Activators.
    I would point that if the Hunters lose a reference is not because of the HBFF itself, but it is because the Activators do not plan correctly and do not respect then the right of Hunters and Award Managers to get a valid reference, by Activator not reading thus not observing the Rules.
    Some apparent case of exception have been on the Air, but this is the result of a preliminary agreement among dxpedition activator’s team and the management, as per our HBFF Rules.
    Rules are there to be observed: you’re welcome to our awards, but we deserve that you observe our rules and do not spite on our awards. Constructive and propositive critics are welcome , but the Committee decisions are to be respected.
    73 44

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by HB9TZA. Reason: typo errors
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