Call to correct on DG2RON@HBFF-0040_20170905

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Call to correct on DG2RON@HBFF-0040_20170905


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  • #6092

    Hallo Andrew,
    After a looong search we have found Informations and cleared the mistery of the call I40BOZ : Ronny asked 3 times to spell it and they confirmed what he copied as I40BOZ .
    Now it is clear that the callsoign was PI40BOZ , a special call by Veron …
    Please then, correction:
    I40BOZ 20170905 122624 40m 7.074 SSB 59 59 WWFF HBFF-0040 HB9/DG2RON/P
    the call I40BOZ must be PI40BOZ .
    Ciao 73 TU !
    Augusto HB9TZA

    Andrew M0YMA


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