Callsign Error in HBFF-0180 log

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Callsign Error in HBFF-0180 log

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  • #8023

    Hallo Manfred, hallo Andrew!
    Thank you for the last log corrections.
    Here I have a new one: quite a stranger error keeped as GOOD from LogSearch! I guessed that such an error could not pass, but it has been passed as good, both to my eyes and to logsearch!

    – Log HB9WFF@HBFF-0180_20180219 ;
    – Callsign WRONG : I9K1DFH ( !!!) at 09:49:00 on 40m SSB
    – Callsign RIGHT : IK1DFH same time and band mode, of course.

    Normally if a call is wrong, say if it has a “O” instead of “0” it will be refused, and I remember some other time if I am right that has refused also similar errors to this. Maybe I9K1DFH seems a right callsign? Odd.
    Anyway, I did check; but nobody is perfect, and it seems that with ageing I’m getting worse …

    Thanks for the cortrections; hopefully, you will find an Help and we N.C. will soon be able to correct our errors by ourselves, as the most call errors will be detected by receiving QSLs.

    73 44 TU AGN!
    Augusto HB9TZA
    P.S. : May somebody help me to find a soft to check log errors like letter O instead of Zero, and formally uncorrected calls like this I9K1DFH ? it would be very very helpful! Many thanks!


    Until now I used an adif logs error checker , but this time also it has proven not to be enough.
    I did know it did not see O instead of 0 , and the logger does not let me have the Zero written as 0 but it writes it very like the letter O , hence the problem … But this time it also passed a formal error like that I9K1D… and so I decided to fire it !
    Hence, if you know of a valid error checker, many thanks !
    Augusto HB9TZA

    Manfred Meier

    Hello Augusto, Call was corrected,
    73, Manfred DF6EX

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