“Check your profile”, Cannot apply for awards

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Logsearch Feedback “Check your profile”, Cannot apply for awards

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  • #13681
    Rahul (VK2DL)


    I have completed and LOGSEARCH says 10 VKFF activations (10/12) (VKFF-A) , however, I am unable to apply for awards. The tool tip on mouse hover says “You cannot apply for awards yet…check your profile”

    I have checked my profile and it is complete for Call sign, Name and DXCC.

    At a loss to resolve this issue.


    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Rahul

    For reasons I don’t understand, the profile checks were not passing for you…

    So I’ve fixed it for you…

    Rahul (VK2DL)

    Andrew,Your fix worked. Tnx a lot.

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