Deleted Parks already worked

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    I have made contact with 907 VKFF Parks and these 907 show up against my name in Logsearch, but when I bring up the National Awards for VK, I am only credited with 899 Parks.
    Now I know that those missing eight are probably ones that have been deleted/replaced/consolidated, but I did work activations in them that were legal at that time.
    Why can’t we get credit for legally worked parks that are credited in logsearch, but missing under the National Awards?
    David Poole

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi David

    There *should* be no difference between the “global” count and the “national” count… the only time there may be a discrepancy is if there is “national-only” reference – and there are none for VKFF

    Looking at your stats, you have 891 for WWFF-H…
    ZLFF x 2
    VKFF x 889 – of which 5 are deleted (so showing 884)

    The 891 *should* be 886 – I’ll have to look and see why that it.

    The topic of whether a deleted park counts or doesn’t count is a perennial discussion…


    WHen I worked those parks they were current SO I should get credit for them. You cannot work them now as they are deleted but at the time they were not deleted.
    In Logsearch and my own spreadsheet I have 907 worked Not 891, 2 ZLFF and 905 VKFF and there have been 6 deleted/consolidated since I worked them, but I did work them so they should count.

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