It has been brought to my attention that there are errors in the current PDF Directory.
The errors are as follows:-
VKFF-0073 – showing as Amundsen-Scott. It should be Camooweal Caves National Park
VKFF-0074 – showing as Bearmore. It should be Cania Gorge National Park
VKFF-0075 – showing as Brockton II. It should be Canunda National Park.
VKFF-0076 – showing as Byrd. It should be Cape Arid National Park.
VKFF-0077 – showing as Byrd Surface. It should be Cape Hillsborough National Park.
VKFF-0078 – showing as Byrd VLF. It should be Cape Le Grand National Park.
VKFF-0079 – showing as Central West. It should be Cape Melville (CYPAL) National Park.
VKFF-0080 – showing as Dome Charlie. It should be Cape Palmerston National Park.
VKFF-0081 – Downstream Bravo. It should be Cape Range National Park.
VKFF-0082 – East Camp Vostock. It should be Cape Upstart National Park.
VKFF-0083 – Eights Station (Sky High). It should be Capooompeta National Park.
I have not altered the on-line Directory so I have no idea on why this has occurred.
It concerns me as there may be more errors in the Directory.
Could these issues please be fixed ASAP.
Paul VK5PAS.
This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by