Errors in the PDF Directory

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years ago by Paul.
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  • #5657


    It has been brought to my attention that there are errors in the current PDF Directory.

    The errors are as follows:-

    VKFF-0073 – showing as Amundsen-Scott. It should be Camooweal Caves National Park
    VKFF-0074 – showing as Bearmore. It should be Cania Gorge National Park
    VKFF-0075 – showing as Brockton II. It should be Canunda National Park.
    VKFF-0076 – showing as Byrd. It should be Cape Arid National Park.
    VKFF-0077 – showing as Byrd Surface. It should be Cape Hillsborough National Park.
    VKFF-0078 – showing as Byrd VLF. It should be Cape Le Grand National Park.
    VKFF-0079 – showing as Central West. It should be Cape Melville (CYPAL) National Park.
    VKFF-0080 – showing as Dome Charlie. It should be Cape Palmerston National Park.
    VKFF-0081 – Downstream Bravo. It should be Cape Range National Park.
    VKFF-0082 – East Camp Vostock. It should be Cape Upstart National Park.
    VKFF-0083 – Eights Station (Sky High). It should be Capooompeta National Park.

    I have not altered the on-line Directory so I have no idea on why this has occurred.

    It concerns me as there may be more errors in the Directory.

    Could these issues please be fixed ASAP.


    Paul VK5PAS.

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Paul.
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