Expanded reference

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  • #12396


    We have a reference that was merged with another protection area and it is updated on the official maps as one. If we just delete the old reference, the QSOs and activations from that area are lost. Is there any way to move the activations and QSOs from the old reference to the new one?

    OZ7AEI / Jakob

    Hi Lasse

    The old reference are still valid for Hunters, as long the QSO are before the merge.

    You can´t move OSOs older than the start date of a new reference.

    Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob



    Thanks, which way would be the best way to handle this? I think it would be fair for both the activators and hunters for the old reference could keep their activation and hunter QSOs. We just don’t want new activators to accidentally go to the old reference anymore. If we changed the status for the old one as “deleted”, would it also delete the activations and hunter QSOs to that reference?

    OZ7AEI / Jakob

    Hi again Lasse

    That´s how it is. The old QSOs from deleted areas are still in WWFF LogSearch and both Hunters and Activators still get credits for Awards.
    The old one are only deleted for Activations in the future.
    So next activation the new OHFF-ref have to be used 🙂

    Andrew M0YMA

    Depending on exactly how the boundaries are, I’d be minded to leave two references…

    We’ve done this in the UK, where two adjacent areas (with their own clear boundaries) are “officially” merged as one – but we’ve kept them as two

    GFF-0121 Thames Basin Heaths SPA – Castle Bottom NNR
    GFF-0324 Thames Basin Heaths SPA – Pirbright Common

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.
    Andrew M0YMA

    PS: QSOs and references from deleted areas no longer count, Jakob, as with DXCCs -but credit can be transferred

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