HBFF Information to be completed

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  • #8036

    Hello dear Friend,
    I would like to know how to add some Informations about our HBFF National Award in the web page:


    Or if you may add them, if I am not allowed to.

    Actually there are only:
    – Website Address (linked)
    – Coordinator (Me, HB9TZA)
    -> [please change the email link: hb9tza@gmail.com ]

    We would like to add to these Info, like it is for the DLFF, the other Infors here:
    – Award Manager: HB9FBI, email: luciano.lucini@bluewin.ch
    – Log Manager, that’s me, HB9TZA, email: hb9tza@gmail.com

    I guess these will be no trouble to add them.
    Please let me know your meaning, or if it will be done .

    Thank you very much! 73 44
    Augusto HB9TZA

    Luk ON4BB

    Try to fix it.
    Luk on4bb

    Luk ON4BB

    Augusto: done


    thank you Luk ON4BB


    Hi Luk ON4BB , there ius another thing that is necessary and urgent to coorect: in the page of the National Awards


    undere the icona of HBFF stand:
    Web : HBFF Switzerland
    Coordinator : HB9TZA
    Award manager : HB9FBI
    Logmanager : HB9TZA
    where is “HBFF Switzerland” should become ” HBFF Switzerland and Liechtenstein ”
    I hope that so we will avoid the multiple mess of hams coming in HB0 and using only WWFF Rules !!!
    It happens very often lately.
    73 44, thanks


    Hello ON4BB,
    I have seen an error: under the HBFF Icona on the same poage,. where is actually ” HBFF Switzerland” the internet link is wrong!
    It is actually ” http://hbff.ssfg-gsrc.ch/HBFF_Intro.htm/ ” but it should be ” http://hbff.ssfg-gsrc.ch/HBFF_Intro.htm ” without the ” / ” ; otherwise it gives the error ” 404 Page not found ”
    When you change that text to ” HBFF Switzerland and Liechtenstein ” please also adjust that link, thanks!
    For the HBFF Team, many thanks! 73 es 44 ,
    Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR

    Luk ON4BB

    All requested information added or changed. Please verify if everything is looking well.
    luk on4bb


    All working fine, Luk , thank you!
    Post may be closed.
    73 es 44, Luk ON4BB , CU!
    Augusto HB9TZA & the HBFF Staff


    No problems, Luk ON4BB , it was not urgent, HI.

    I hope that we will never again get Hams coming in HB0 believing Liechtenstein having no national award and using WWFF rules. I do not know what else we may do to avoid that!

    I made several messages on WWFF Facebook alerting about that; nonetheless, it happened again.
    Further activators may feel offended or hurted or demotivated … some criticize, some made flame about that, too. It has been a big pity and a vaste of resources and time!

    Thank you very much!
    73 es 44 de Augusto HB9TZA
    HBFF Staff


    Hello Luk,
    Something has changed in our domains.
    I please you to change the following link:

    NEW HBFF Website Address: https://hbff.ch/

    I have semplified and got an exclusive domain for HBFF, I have also corrected something wrong; in the future also some mail address will maybe change, I’ll write here in that case.

    I hope my new References InfoPages completed by downloadable maps and Infos will help Activators; many have appreciated them very much, it has been a big effort but it seems to me it’s been worth while.

    Many thanks, Luk, and hope to meet you on the air
    73 44 , Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR

    Luk ON4BB

    Yes , the domain name has been addapted. Sri for the delay.


    Many thanks, Luk! 73 Augusto


    There are a lot of changes to do on HBFF National award on WWFF pages!
    I wrongly wrothe them to Andrew, I repeat all of them here following.

    1) HBFF Icon has changed: the Icon Owner does not allow me to use it anymore. How may I send you the new Icon? And what dimension and format do you prefer? Thanks.

    2) More, the links under that image / Logo have changed: here follow them:
    – HBFF Switzerland & Liechtenstein: change link pse!
    new link https://hbff.ch/Refs/HBFF_Refs.htm
    – Coordinator: as is, OK
    – Awards: HB9CBR ; new link: mailto:awards@hbff.ch
    – Logmanager : as is, OK

    The OM that managed the Awards editing them with the data from GCR message and signed them as Award Manager is not anymore with us; the job of issuing the Awards from GCR request messages is now care of Bruno HB9CBR, a vy valid HBFF and SOTA activator, that accepted to help me on this.

    I forward you an email message with the new Logo Image and above details: I please you if possible to do the changes in a Hurry to avoid disagreable and odd troubles and problems, thanks!
    So we may go forward with the awards, as the old email address is not valid anymore and this could cause loss of requests.

    Thank you Luk to help me in this difficult sorrowful situation!
    73 44,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by HB9TZA. Reason: type corrections
    Luk ON4BB

    All done


    Hello Luk,
    Something has changed on the HBFF National Program: in the page of the National Awards,
    under the icon of HBFF stand:
    … <omissis> …
    Logmanager : HB9TZA
    Here the email address of HB9TZA now is ” hb9tza@bluewin.ch ” to be changed with the new one: ” staff@hbff.ch ” or better temporary both together ” hb9tza@bluewin.ch staff@hbff.ch .
    The structure of the site and of HBFF is changing as the Castles part will be token over and managed indipendently by another ham group.
    I thank you very much! 73 44,
    Augusto HB9TZA

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