Hunter Reference Statistics page

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  • #7903

    When stepping through the views, only the two first works correctly.
    The selected step size is not added to the previous one but prefixed to it. For example using 50 as step size:

    Step 1: 1-50
    Step 2: 51-100
    Step 3: 5051-5100
    Step 4: No matches

    It works correctly if you do it backwards, though.
    Same problem with the Hunter/Chaser QSO Details page.

    Andrew M0YMA

    Thanks John

    Fixed (although you will need to refresh javascript… or wait for it to uncache!)


    Thanks Andrew

    It works, but it is very tedious to have to copy/paste 15 times 500 in order to get it all.
    Does that make the processor happier?

    A simple csv would be wonderful. It’s the data I am after, not the coloumns and the colours and all the graphics.

    Andrew M0YMA

    QSOs can be downloaded….

    I’ll ponder (time permitting) other CSV download options


    Thanks a lot, Andrew, but there is no Download button ??

    Did you see a couple of mails I sent you a while ago ??

    … John

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi John

    but there is no Download button ??

    Do you not see a Download button on your QSO tab?
    Download Button


    Hi Andrew,

    I’m sorry. That download button is there and has been all the time. But it wasn’t what I asked for.
    I guess it was the lap between the February 13 post and the May 23 reply as well as the topic title that led me to misread/misunderstand “QSOs can be downloaded….”.
    Which is really clear enough.
    And happy wishful thinking. Sorry.

    … John

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by oz4rt.
Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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