Incorrect date: JA1JCF/p @ JAFF-0212

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Incorrect date: JA1JCF/p @ JAFF-0212

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  • #6636
    Nobi JA1JCF

    Sorry to bother the Logsearch Administrator, but the date in my log uploaded yesterday was incorrect by mistake.
    File name: JA1JCF-p @ jaff-0212 20171105.adi
    Log #: 49234
    Wrong date: 20171106
    Correct date: 20171105

    There is a P2P QSO in the log and it cannot be confirmed without correction.
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Nobi, JA1JCF

    Manfred Meier

    updated Nobi, 73, Manfred

    Nobi JA1JCF

    Many thanks Manfred. 73/44. Nobi

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