Incorrect Reference

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  • #9639


    We just found an error in the older log DF9PE_OKFF-1753_20180926.ADI (Log # 62961). In the log is wrong reference <MY_SIG: 9> OKFF-01753 – im all QSOs – should be <MY_SIG: 9> OKFF-1753.

    Can you correct number the OKFF within log?

    Pavel OK1VEI
    OKFF Logmanager

    Manfred Meier

    Pavel, thats not possible, because the file-parser wouldn´t let you upload the log.
    if you look at the file there is a cut-off after 175 as the field was specified for 9 signs only.
    So it was with OKFF-0175 in the system, all 55 records are changed into OKFF-1753 now.
    Ahoy,73, Manfred DF6EX / OK8WFF

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