Thanks for the Info!
On the site you gave me there is a map, here: https://retkikartta.fi/?lang=en&id=855
From that map the Inakari Island is out of the park, at left / up of the island marked nr. 3, Pensaskari, on the national border.
But by clicking on it, it gives the Informations. But on the other way, by searching ” Inakari ” on the GB language Nationalparks.fi it gives “no results” !
The OHFF-0040 is named ” The Bothnian sea” , so it seemed to me better suited; but the last word on the Reference should come from the OH nat. manager.
Anyway, it seems to me that the actual DXpedition, there, is not interested maybe into WWFF but only to IOTA
Could it be that they do not know that it is an OHFF Reference, maybe? Or Inakari is not at all into a Reference ?
Thanks for the message, Luk ON4BB, I hope the OHFF manager will tell us something.
73 44 Tnx!
Augusto HB9TZA