NOT VALID ACTIVATION for activator by Nat. Proghram Rules

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  • #9820

    Hi Andrew M0YMA and Danny, ON4VT ,
    As you maybe already know, in spite of the many complaints about activators coming to HBFF not having read the Rules, and in spite of the excellent article Danny made on the ON hamsletter, it happened oncemore! (it will not be the last time, I fear)

    Peter ON4BWT activated HBFF-0091 without announces nor supposedly having documented himself; then tried to upload by himself the log on the WWFF Logsearch, too!

    Then, not having had success on uploading, he sent the log to us, to get it uploaded.

    Nonetheless, would he had done the required QSO numbers and bands, we would have validated it; but he had not.

    So, Luciano HB9FBI, our president, set the activation as NON VALID for activator but only for hunters, and write it by email to Peter ON4BWT; no answer yet received.

    Now, I have a question related to the validity of the activation in case of Nat. Programs different award rules, as by HBFF and IFF and others.

    There is maybe a by-problem related to this no-rules activation:
    – If I upload the log, it will be considered valid by LogSearch ??
    – Maybe because of the 44 QSOs of WWFF inspite of the 100QSOs required by HBFF ??
    – On the other side, WWFF rules give value to the National Award rules, i.e., to the 100 QSOs on diff. bands required by HBFF.

    How is this handled by WWFF Logsearch?

    Should I upload it anyway because of Hunters credit; but what for the Activator Credit?

    Thanks for the Info
    Augusto HB9TZA

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