Hello, also I have the OEFF award marked as pending but already received years ago, I have write ane email two times to the responsible but no answer received to my reporting.
44 de IK4IDP
I have received H-4 and H-11 in 2016 after the M0YMA email, for the last reached H-22 in 2021 I have received the M0YMA email who approve the certificate but never received the PNG file.
Replyed to 2021 email of M0YMA and other CC, waiting for a reply.
I wrote to 4X1RE, but unfortunately my letter remained unanswered. I must assume that the 4XFF diploma program is no longer available. Sad news.
73 & 44 de Stan R7FW
Always please check on the National program page for the responsible.
The WWFF team try to keep this data up to date.
We have issues with 4X and OE for delivery awards. May be we have to discontinue there deliveries for a wile.
If the label “pending” is still on the request award page, meaning your request is not accepted by the country award mgr. He / she has to confirm this by accepting the request.